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My Thoughts on NXT (6/22/16): I Hope You Dance

  • Tye Dillinger vs Oney Lorcan-Dillinger isn't doing all the cool stuff that makes everyone love him. Why would you do this, NXT? I trusted you. Also, Biff Busick is now Oney Lorcan. What the hell is an Oney Larcon? Whatever. The match is very slow to start, not a lot of offense between the two. Lorcan takes down Dillinger with a shoulder tackle and throws up ten fingers at him, which the crowd horrendously boos. Lorcan locks in a long headlock until Dillinger escapes, but Busick keeps control with a running uppercut after a series of slick reversals. Dillinger starts hammering away on Lorcan with strikes and clotheslines until Lorcan hits a clothesline of his own. Lorcan. Lorcan hits two big back elbows in the corner, but Dillinger counters the third one with a superkick, only getting a two count. Everyone marked out really hard for it, even Tom Phillips. Dillinger goes for the ten punches in the corner, but stops when he notices people are counting with him. Lorcan pushes him off and hits a somersault neckbreaker for the surprise win. A pretty slow, boring match for most of it. A;so, I'm not looking forward to the "Tye Dillinger on a losing streak" angle it looks like we're getting. And seriously, what the hell is an Oney Lorcan?
  • Backstage, Cathy Kelley interviews Austin Aries. He says his goal is still to prove his greatness, and that can't be proved or lost in one match. He says Nakamura was the better man for three seconds, and that he's more focused now then ever. He gets interrupted by No Way...Jose, who says he wants Aries to learn to be positive, and that when life tells you "No", you say "No Way!" Jose dances off to end the segment
  • Bayley says she's good to go and returns to action tonight.
  • No Way Jose vs Josh Woods-Jose dances a lot, and pretty much nothing else of note happens. Jose wins with the Cobra Clutch Slam. However, the post match dance party gets interrupted by Austin Aries, who gets booed hard. He says you aren't defined by victories in wrestling, you're defined by your defeats. He says he's not making excuses, and his loss to Nakamura is weighing on his shoulders. Aries says Jose taught him that NXT is about having fun. He thanks Jose and tries to leave, but Jose invites him back into the ring to dance. Aries dances, and something about Austin Aries dancing is the legit funniest thing in the world. The two dance around in the ring, at ringside, and on the commentary table, until SWERVE! Aries hits Jose with a discus elbow on the announce table. IT WAS HEEL DANCING! Aries beats down Jose in front of the table and at ringside before leaving, only to return and lock in Last Chancery on the ramp. The commentators make a big deal about it being locked in on the ramp, so I'm assuming they follow the same "Submission moves hurt more on announce table" philosophy with the entrance ramp. Whatever. Anyways, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad Aries is a heel now, he's much better as a bad guy. Aries leaves again, yelling "YOU DID THIS!" to the fans as he walks away.
  • In an "Earlier Today" clip, we see William Regal and Shinsuke Nakamura. Regal says Finn Balor came into his office and said he wanted the match with Nakamura, and since Nakamura wants it too, they will face off in three weeks. How this is not happening at Takeover: Back to Brooklyn, I'll never know. Suddenly, Buddy Murphy of all people barge in and says he's not being treated like the star he is. Nakamura says his request will be answered, and walks off. Regal tells Murphy to be careful what he wishes for.
  • Deonna Purrazzo vs Bayley-Guess who doesn't win this match. First off, Bayley is the best. I love how her matches are never as one sided as they normally would be for someone in her position. Compare this match with Deonna to one like Emma vs Deonna from a few months ago. In the Emma one, Deonna gets jobbed out and beaten pretty easily with little offense. Here, she's blocking hip tosses and trading roll ups with Bayley. It's like an actual match and not just an extended squash. Bayley goes on a roll until Deonna dodges a back elbow in the corner and clotheslines her to the mat. Deonna hits a big running knee followed by a Russian leg sweep for a two count. Deonna works over Bayley until Bayley basically Hulks Up and runs wild, hitting a diving back elbow and delivering a Belly-to-Bayley for the win.
  • Backstage, Andrea DeMarco interviews Carmella. She says she wants to be the face of the NXT Women's Division and the next NXT Women's Champion. She is interrupted by Alexa Bliss, who says she's nothing without Enzo & Cass. Carmella says Alexa is jealous because her team sucks, and Alexa clarifies that she isn't with Blake & Murphy anymore because she was the star, and says that Carmella was just an accessory. Alexa says she deserves to be the next NXT Women's Champion, and says she didn't take the pin in the triple threat a few weeks ago. Carmella says Alexa isn't going to get in her way of becoming NXT Women's Champion.
  • Nia Jax vs Liv Morgan-Nia dominates the majority of the match, outside of a little bit of offense from Morgan, and absolutely murks Morgan with a powerbomb.
  • Buddy Murphy vs Shinsuke Nakamura-More sad days for Buddy Murphy have gone by, according to Corey Graves, as apparently his favorite basketball & hockey teams lost in the finals of their sports. Nakamura is able to outsmart Murphy at the start, blocking Murphy's offense and delivering stiff kicks. Murphy locks in an armbar, but Nakamura escapes in style and locks in a headlock. Nakamura does two face wash spots, but Murphy escapes and starts stomping away at Nakamura, ending with a punch to a seated Nakamura. Nakamura laughs off Murphy's strikes and then murks him. Nakamura hits a inverted exploder suplex and the Kinshasa for the win.
And that's about it. Overall, an alright show. Just about every match was a squash match, minus the opener, but it was still fine.

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