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My Thoughts on RAW (6/5/17): Worst Case Scenario

  • We kick off the show with Bray Wyatt.
    All I can think of now. He says last night was the beginning of the end and says "they" took his sword from and drove it through his heart. He says he is still alive and still the God he has always been. He says he's going to cast judgment on all who are guilty, such as Finn Balor, Samoa Joe, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns. He says they must all be punished, and Reigns is the first to be punished tonight. He is interrupted by Reigns, who rips the mic out of Wyatt's hand and says he's the guy. He then punches Wyatt for "running his mouth in his yard."
  • Bray Wyatt vs Roman Reigns-Wyatt almost gets an instant Sister Abigail, but Reigns avoids it and punches Wyatt out of the ring before the commercial break. We come back to Wyatt beating down Reigns in the ring. Wyatt controls the match until Reigns hits a Samoan Drop for a near fall. Reigns hits three clotheslines, but Wyatt regains control by throwing Reigns between the turnbuckles into the ring post. Outside the ring, Wyatt hits a senton before the commercial break. We come back to Wyatt working over Reigns with a headlock. Wyatt controls the match. Reigns is able to comeback and throws Wyatt out of the ring. Wyatt runs back into the ring, where Reigns runs through him before throwing ten just...really bad clotheslines. Like, normally they look fine...but these just looked off. Reigns follows up with a big boot for a near fall before wanking his fist for the Superman Punch. However, Wyatt counters it and hits the Uranage for a near fall. Wyatt splashes Reigns in the corner before setting him on the top rope. However, Reigns slips out under Wyatt and hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Reigns wanks his fist and goes for the Superman Punch again, but Wyatt avoids it, only to eat it when Reigns goes for it again. Reigns calls for the spear, but Wyatt rolls out of the ring to avoid it. Reigns follows him out and hits a drive by dropkick, only to take a huge clothesline from Wyatt right after. Both men beat the 10 count before Reigns avoids Sister Abigail and hits a Superman Punch. Reigns finishes Wyatt off with the spear for the three and the win. Fine match, nothing special.
  • Charly Caruso interviews Enzo Amore & Big Cass. Enzo says he has no idea who keeps attacking him before Cass says he would never attack Enzo like some people keep assuming, saying he'll be watching Enzo's back at all times. This is immediately proven to be a lie, as Cass walks off without Enzo, who stays behind to flirt with Charly.
  • Backstage, Kurt Angle reads another mysterious text before Alexa Bliss approaches him. She says she's done with Bayley and says that tonight, she wants to do Alexa Bliss: This is MY Life NO! NO! ABSOLUTELY F*CKING NOT! I DON'T CARE IF THEY'RE JOKING, NO! NOT AGAIN! NEVER AGAIN! Angle rejects it, saying This is Your Life last week was one of the worst segments in the history of RAW. No. No WWE. You don't get to bury that segment like it was intentionally bad. We're not dumb. We know you did. Everyone who writes for RAW needs to go in the corner and think about what they did. Angle then reminds Alexa that she promised Nia Jax a title shot when she beat Bayley, and Nia will get that title shot tonight. Alexa looks nervous as she walks off.
  • The Drifter sings a sh*tty, cheap heat song before Dean Ambrose comes out and beats him up. He then takes a mic and says he wants his rematch for the Intercontinental Championship right now. Miz appears on the TitanTron to say that there will be no rematch and instead there will be a celebration for the Miz's Intercontinental Championship Comeback Tour. The Drifter returns and gives Ambrose a rolling cutter.
  • After a commercial break, Ambrose walks into Kurt Angle backstage. Angle says Ambrose will have his rematch for the Intercontinental Championship, just not tonight. He says the celebration is all set up and tells Ambrose to take the night off. Nothing that has happened in the past would make me think this would go wrong.
  • Outcomes Samoa Joe, the #1 contender for the Universal Championship. He says he does not fear Brock Lesnar because he is far too envious of Lesnar. He says he wants everything Lesnar has and he wants to take it from him. He says he wants the easy schedule, the ability to instill fear in every man, and he even wants Paul Heyman to negotiate his contracts and run his errands. But most importantly, he wants the Universal Championship, and at Great Balls of Fire, he's taking it from Brock Lesnar. This brings out Paul Heyman. He puts over Joe, calling him a badass for earning his title shot over four other superstars. He says Joe has left wreckage everywhere he's gone before saying that he might not fear Brock Lesnar, but Brock Lesnar doesn't fear him either. He says it bothers him that Joe likes it that Lesnar doesn't fear him and he's always concerned about the person Lesnar faces. No matter how tough they are or how ruthless they are, Lesnar confirms his fears. He says he wanted Finn Balor to win two weeks ago because it would tell a great story and Joe was the worst case scenario because he wants to go to war with Lesnar. He says Lesnar won't leave the same after he faces Joe, but Lesnar is also Joe's worst case scenario. The two shake hands and Heyman starts to leave, but Joe pulls him aside and drops the mic. He tells Heyman exactly what's going to happen to him when he puts in the Coquina Clutch...and then puts him in the Coquina Clutch. Joe knocks out Heyman before referees pull him off of Heyman. The crowd chants "We Want Brock" so Joe picks up the mic and yells "AND SO DO I" This segment was awesome. Samoa Joe is so great. This match is going to be dope. This is probably the most excited I've been for a Brock Lesnar match in a long time.
  • After a commercial break, Kurt Angle confronts Samoa Joe backstage. Joe says he'll take out anyone in his way of Brock Lesnar before asking Angle is he is in his way. Seth Rollins steps in and challenges Joe to a match tonight, which Angle promptly books.
  • Sheamus & Cesaro vs Heath Slater & Rhyno-Cesaro runs at Slater to start, distracting him and allowing Sheamus to throw Slater into the ring post between the turnbuckles. Sheamus gets a near fall off a clothesline before locking in a headlock. Sheamus & Cesaro control the match until Slater sends Cesaro out of the ring before hitting a heel kick on Sheamus. Slater tries to tag out to Rhyno, but Cesaro yanks Rhyno off the apron. Slater turns right into a Brogue Kick for the three and the win. After the match, Sheamus says that's how an intelligent team wins. They say the Hardys should think twice about getting their rematch before saying they don't set the bar, they are the bar.
  • TJP confronts Neville backstage. He congratulates him on his win last night before asking for his title shot he was promised. Neville tells him to be patient, but TJP is having none of it after doing Neville's dirty work for two months. Neville agrees and says if he takes care of Mustafa Ali, then he'll talk to Kurt Angle.
  • TJP vs Mustafa Ali-TJP backs Ali into the corner and works him over, only for Ali to come back with a double jump crossbody for a near fall. Ali sends TJP onto the apron, but TJP pulls him down by his hair and hits a slingshot senton for a near fall. TJP steps on Ali's face and dabs before locking in a headlock. Ali fights out and hits a springboard tornado DDT before putting TJP in position for the inverted 450. However, TJP up-kicks the top rope, knocking Ali down before TJP hits the Detonation Kick for the three and the win. After the match, Neville comes out onto the stage and says that Kurt Angle rejected his offer for a title shot. TJP says they're going to the back to talk to Angle, prompting Neville to attack TJP. He says TJP isn't on his level and says he'll put the title on the line tomorrow on 205 Live.
  • It's a Shattered Dream Production. Goldust says R-Truth can't sit in his director's chair and that Truth thinks this is all just a game to him. However, Goldust sees the bigger picture and that the brightest stars will be covered in gold. He ends by saying the Golden Age is back.
  • Backstage, Alexa Bliss approaches Sasha Banks, Mickie James, and Dana Brooke. Sasha instantly leaves before Alexa pleads for Mickie & Dana's attention. She tries to get them on her side by turning them against Nia Jax. She says Nia Jax is all of their problems, but Mickie & Dana are having none of it. Mickie then says that they'll be at ringside for her match tonight.
  • Cut to the commentators, when Kurt Angle suddenly comes out and pulls Corey Graves aside. They talk for a bit before Graves returns to the commentary table. Cole tries to get an answer out of Graves, but Graves changes the topic to Kalisto.
  • Kurt Angle walks out of the arena through a backdoor, allowing Dean Ambrose to sneak back in
  • Kalisto vs Titus O'Neil with Apollo Crews-Titus manhandles Kalisto the entire match until he tries to pin Kalisto with a hand full of tights, only to pull Kalisto to far back, allowing Kalisto to roll over and pin Titus with a hand full of tights for the three and the win...what was this?
  • The Miz & Maryse walk backstage before suddenly, someone's been laid out...Big Cass got attacked backstage?! Enzo comes over to check on Cass and finds a chain. If that's supposed to imply wasn't done very well. After a commercial break, we see Cass coming to. Enzo says they still have a match tonight, but Cass can't wrestle.
  • It's time for the Miz's Intercontinental Championship Comeback Tour Kickoff Celebration! Maryse is in the ring with a guy dressed as a bear. It really seems like that's Dean Ambrose. The crowd chants "YOU DESERVE IT!" which Miz says means little because they chant it for everyone. But yes, he does deserve it, he says. He says he's ready to restore the Intercontinental Championship to it's former glory before thanking Maryse for the great celebration, including the bear. However, Maryse says she didn't get the bear, she thought he got it. Miz attacks the bear and gives him a Skull Crushing Finale before unmasking him to reveal...independent wrestler Ethan Page...I think. Miz throws him out of the ring before someone rolls out a big present. Miz takes a chair to it and destroys the present, even dropping a few elbows on it, which is...a grandfather clock. Maryse says it's timeless just like him and runs off sad. Miz gets in the ring and yells, asking where Ambrose is. Suddenly, the camera guy starts taking off his's Dean Ambrose. He gives the Miz Dirty Deeds before drinking some champagne.
  • Since Big Cass got laid out earlier tonight, Enzo needs a new partner for his match's the Big Show. Enzo jokes about Big Show's weight loss and tries to get Show to loosen up. Show loosens up and plays the part of Cass before doing the S-A-W-F-T thing.
  • Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson vs Enzo Amore & Big Show-Enzo gets beaten up in the beginning before Show tags in, runs through Gallows & Anderson before gorilla pressing Enzo onto Anderson for the win. Man, remember when Gallows & Anderson were the sh*t in Japan? Good times.
  • Backstage, Enzo Amore & Big Show celebrate their win before they walk up to Big Cass, who not so subtly implies that Big Show might be the one attacking them. Enzo brushes it off and says they should celebrate at the casino.
  • It's a What's Up Production. R-Truth says he's coming for Goldust...that's about it.
  • Mike Rome interviews Alexa Bliss. She says she regrets being on a show where none of the other women show her respect.
  • Alexa Bliss (c) vs Nia Jax-RAW Women's Championship-After the match starts, Mickie James & Dana Brooke come down to ringside. Alexa tries to avoid Nia before Nia grabs her by the hair. Alexa slaps Nia, prompting Nia to toss her around the ring. Nia splashes Alexa in the corner before tossing Alexa off when she tries for a sleeper hold. Nia (wo)manhandles Alexa before she rolls out of the ring. She crawls to Mickie & Dana's feet before shoving them both. This leads to a brawl, causing a DQ and allowing her to retain the title. Mickie & Dana try to continue the beat down, only for Nia to throw them off of her. Alexa escapes the beat down, leaving Mickie to get splashed and Dana to take a Samoan Drop.
  • Backstage, Paul Heyman gets checked out by a medic before Brock Lesnar calls him. His contact name for him is just "BROCK".
    He says Lesnar should come to RAW next week and instill fear in Samoa Joe.
  • Samoa Joe vs Seth Rollins-Joe throws his towel at Rollins to start before striking him back into the corner. Rollins is able to take Joe down with a Lou Thesz Press and counters a powerbomb attempt with a hurricanrana. Joe responds with a headbutt before throwing Rollins out of the ring. Rollins quickly gets back in, only to be floored with an elbow strike. Rollins is able to throw Joe out of the ring, but Joe catches him going for a suicide dive with a kick. Outside the ring, Joe throws Rollins into the barricade before giving him a stiff kick. Back in the ring, Joe strikes Rollins back into the corner, but Rollins fights out and hits a jawbreaker. Rollins goes for a springboard, but Joe pushes the ropes, causing Rollins to fall to the mat. Joe hits a corner splash followed by an enziguri before the commercial break. We come back to Joe continuing to beat down Rollins. Joe controls the match until Rollins catches Joe with an enziguri. Joe rolls out of the ring, leaving him in place for a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Rollins hits a Sling Blade before Joe rolls out of the ring, leaving him open to another suicide dive. Back in the ring, Rollins hits a Blockbuster. Joe rolls out of the ring again, leaving him open to a third suicide dive. Back in the ring, Rollins hits a springboard clothesline for a near fall. Rollins goes for the Rain-Trigger, but Joe blocks it and tries for the Coquina Clutch. Rollins blocks that and hits a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Rollins gets a near fall off a sunset flip before hitting a superkick. Rollins goes to the top rope, only for Bray Wyatt's screen effect to hit. When the lights come back on, Wyatt is nowhere to be seen, but the distraction allows Joe to lock in the Coquina Clutch for the submission win. Pretty fine match.


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