- Bobby Roode & Tye Dillinger vs Sanity-It's Sanity's debut, as four people in masks walk down to the ring. Two of them unmask, revealing themselves to be Sawyer Fulton & Alexander Wolfe, who have both made appearances in NXT before. Fulton & Wolfe quickly rush Dillinger to start the match. Roode starts to take off his robe and get in the fight but opts not to and leaves Dillinger to the wolves (that's half a pun right there.) Wolfe & Fulton hit a suplex/powerslam combo for the squash victory. After the match, the other two masked members enter the ring. The smaller member of the group pounces on Dillinger before being pulled off by Fulton and unmasking, revealing her to be Nikki Cross. She jumps on Dillinger again before the last masked man pulls her off and hits a wheelbarrow German suplex into a neckbreaker on Dillinger. The man unmasks...it's ERIC YOUNG! He's back in NXT.
- Billie Kay & Peyton Royce get interviewed. They laugh at the mention of Liv Morgan because she has no friends and she lost to Asuka in about a minute. Billie says she'll enjoy beating up Morgan while Peyton will enjoy watching.
- Bobby Roode gets interviewed. He calls Tye Dillinger "the perfect loser" and says he wanted nothing to do with the Dusty Classic. He says he's not a tag team wrestler. The 8-time tag team champion says he's not a tag team wrestler. I know they were in TNA, but still. Roode says Dillinger begged him to be his partner, and it's on Dillinger if he's hurt. Roode walks off before threatening to have someone fired off camera.
- Billie Kay vs Liv Morgan-Morgan forces Billie into the corner before rolling her up for a near fall. Billie pulls Liv down and slaps her before Liv responds with a drop toe hold, a clothesline, and a dropkick to seated Billie. Liv does the slowest backslide of all time before Billie hits a gutbuster for a near fall. Billie locks in a Torture Rack before throwing her into the corner for a near fall. Liv hits an STO followed by a dropkick before Royce trips her up from the outside, allowing Billie to hit a big boot for the win. Nothing match, not much to say really.
- TM-61 vs Riddick Moss & Tino Sabbatelli-Sabbatelli's entrance music is pretty lit in all honesty. Not "Glorious Domination" good, but still pretty solid. Miller & Moss start off by locking up and exchanging shoves. Miller takes control with a headlock until Moss takes him down with a shoulder tackle. Thorne tags in and hits a slingshot senton followed before TM-61 continue to dominate. The crowd does dueling "We Want Tino/No We Don't" chants. Damn, this guy is hella over for someone who's only appearing for the first time on NXT. TM-61 hits the moonsault/fist drop combo on Moss before Sabbatelli runs in and gets dropkicked out of the ring by Thorne. Thorne goes for a dive, but Sabbatelli pulls the rope down and sends him flying to the outside before the commercial break. We come back to Moss hitting a suplex on Thorne. The heels continue to beat down Thorne until Thorne fights back, only for Sabbatelli to catch him off a slingshot and hit a powerslam for a near fall. The heels go back to dominating, cutting off every one of Thorne's comeback attempts. Thorne finally hits a jawbreaker and makes the hot tag to Miller. Miller runs through Moss, hitting a delayed vertical suplex, but Sabbatelli breaks up the pin. Sabbatelli tags in, but Miller escapes a powerslam and Thorne hits a corner dropkick, allowing TM-61 to hit Thunder Valley for the win. Fine match, nothing special.
- Buddy Murphy vs Wesley Blake-TEAM VANILLA EXPLODES! Their eternal break-up angle is FINALLY OVER! The two stare each other down to start before locking up. Neither gains the upper hand until Murphy locks in a headlock and flips out of a side suplex attempt. The two exchange holds again before a double big boot spot, taking both men down. The two exchange strikes before Blake checks Murphy into the ropes. Murphy responds with a back elbow that sends Blake out of the ring followed by a big tope. Murphy throws Blake back into the ring, only for Samoa Joe to run down and attack Murphy, causing a DQ. Joe beats down Murphy at ringside before catching Blake off the apron and slamming him onto the ground and doing the same to Murphy on the apron. Joe takes the mic and says time is up for William Regal. He demands either Nakamura or the NXT Championship. Joe holds the show hostage until he gets what he wants. Nakamura's music hits and outcomes Nakamura in a neck brace with the belt. Nakamura rips off the neck brace, which makes Samoa Joe make the most "Holy sh*t" face ever: Nakamura runs down to the ring and the two brawl. Security runs down to break up the fight. Joe starts to leave before Nakamura beats up the security guards and going back after Joe. Nakamura kicks Joe in the balls before security breaks them up again. Nakamura continues to beat up security guards trying to get to Joe, who has left backstage. Nakamura even hits the Kinshasa on one of the security guards. After a while, Joe re-appears from the crowd and runs back up to continue the brawl. With no security to stop them, the two brawl to the ring again, where Nakamura hits the Kinshasa on Joe to close the show. Great ending to the show this week, very exciting.
(Special thanks to an anonymous user for suggesting this match. If you'd like to see a match covered on the Worst in the World, leave a comment down below.) An often discussed aspect of professional wrestling is the backstage politicking of Hulk Hogan. Throughout his career as a major attraction in wrestling, Hogan's philosophy has always been to protect Hulk Hogan...OK, sometimes he'd help Ed Leslie, but most of the time it was to protect Hulk Hogan. Because of that philosophy and Hogan's influence as a top guy, there have been multiple instances where a company's booking and other wrestlers have suffered as a result. Would having Mr. Perfect win the 1990 Royal Rumble made sense and could have elevated a rising star and potentially created a new main event player? Yes, but that would require Hogan to not win, and that doesn't work for Hogan, so he wins the Rumble even though he doesn't need elevating. Would booking Randy Orton to beat Hogan at SummerSlam 20...
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