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RAW vs Nitro #3 (9/25/95)

Get Grandma out of the bathroom, cause its time for another edition of RAW vs Nitro! The last two weeks, Nitro has been better in my opinion. Let's see if Nitro can keep up its streak. Let's get into it, this is RAW vs Nitro #3! Let's start with RAW!
But first, a recap of what happened at In Your House 3, which happened the day before this episode of RAW
  • Razor Ramon hit the Razor's Edge on Dean Douglas and got the visual three, but the referee was down and couldn't count it. For whatever reason, the 1-2-3 Kid ran down and counted the pin. Razor stopped pinning because he thought he won, then shoved the Kid out of the ring after he realized he wasn't the referee. This allowed Douglas to get the roll up win with a hand full of tights. After the match, Razor and the Kid start fighting before being broken up by security.
  • During the triple header between WWF Champion Diesel & Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels and Tag Team Champions Yokozuna & Owen Hart with all the titles on the line got changed. Hart was at the hospital with his wife, so the British Bulldog replaced him. However, at the end of the match, Hart ran down and tried to interfere, but Diesel got him and hit him with a Jackknife. For some reason, Diesel covered Hart and the referee counted the pin, giving Michaels & Diesel the win and the Tag Team Championships.
Now, onto RAW


  • We kick off the show with a recap of the main event of In Your House 3. We find out that due to the controversial ending of the match and some persuasion from Jim Cornette, WWF President Gorilla Monsoon has awarded the Tag Team Championships back to Owen Hart & Yokozuna. Making the match last night...entirely pointless. However, Hart & Yokozuna will defend the titles tonight.
  • Skip with Sunny vs Marty Jannetty-Yes, Skip, aka Chris Candido, taking on Marty Jannetty in his return to the WWF. Jannetty starts with two arm drags and a dropkick before Skip slides to the outside. After a back and forth sequence, Jannetty hits a back body drop and Skip rolls out of the ring again. As Sunny yells at the crowd to shut up, Jannetty tricks Sunny into hugging him. Sunny freaks out and accidentally slaps Skip before Jannetty & Skip get back in the ring. Jannetty takes down Skip and works him over on the ground, but thanks to interference from Sunny, Skip gains the upper hand and hits a gut wrench powerbomb. Skip hits a suplex before we see Dean Douglas at the top of the ramp grading moves. Skip hits a bodyslam and a leg drop before the commercial break. We come back to Skip hitting a clothesline on Jannetty, which Jannetty takes a big Rikishi-bump off of. Skip continues to work over Jannetty counters a German suplex and hits a German suplex of his own for a near fall. Jannetty then catches Skip off a leapfrog and hits a powerbomb. Jannetty runs through Skip, hitting a jumping back elbow followed by a running knee for a near fall. Jannetty hits a crossbody before Sunny hops on the apron. The distraction isn't enough, as Jannetty counters a charging Skip with a back body drop over the ropes. Jannetty tries to suplex Skip back in the ring, but Sunny yanks his feet down, allowing Skip to get a near fall. Jannetty hits a Rocker Dropper and hits a top rope fist drop for the win. Pretty good match, actually, wasn't expecting that.
  • We go to an earlier today video to see Jim Cornette and his attorney Clarence Mason arguing with Gorilla Monsoon. Mason says that because Monsoon declared that Bulldog was officially the other half of the Tag Team Champions for the night at In Your House 3 and Hart wasn't, the title change can't stand.
  • Owen Hart & Yokozuna (c) with Jim Cornette and Mr. Fuji vs The Smoking Gunns for the Tag Team Championships-The match kicks off with a criss-cross before Bart hits a drop toe hold on Hart. Bart hits an arm drag and locks in an armbar before tagging in Billy. Billy works over Hart until Hart hits a drop toe hold and tags in Yokozuna. Yokozuna takes down Billy with a shoulder tackle before Billy hits two dropkicks and takes Yokozuna down with a bulldog. Billy goes for a crucifix pin, but Yokozuna turns it into a Samoan Drop. Billy rolls out of the ring, only for Hart to stomp on him outside the ring. Hart & Yokozuna continues to beat down Billy until Billy almost gets the roll up win. Hart comes back with a step up enziguri and hits a leg drop before the commercial break. We come back to Hart hitting a swinging neckbreaker on Billy. Hart goes for a diving crossbody, but Billy rolls through and gets a near fall. The heels go back to dominating Billy. After Yokozuna holds onto a shoulder claw for nearly TWO MINUTES, Billy fights to his and breaks the hold, only to get floored again with a back elbow. Yokozuna goes for an elbow drop, but Billy dodges and goes for a leg drop, but Yokozuna avoids that. Yokozuna goes for a splash, but Billy avoids that as well and barely makes the tag to Bart. Bart runs wild on Hart, hitting a back body drop and a press slam, but Yokozuna breaks the pin. The Smoking Gunns hit the Sidewinder, but the referee doesn't count the pin and instead tries to get Billy out of the ring. Yokozuna goes for a splash to break the pin, but Bart moves, causing Hart to take the splash instead. Billy dropkicks Yokozuna out of the ring as Bart gets the pin and the win. New Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns. Fine match, was good until the two-minute claw hold happened. That's just instant go-away heat for me. After the match, Shawn Michaels & Diesel congratulate the Smoking Gunns on their win.
  • At the entrance stage, Dok Hendrix interviews Gorilla Monsoon. We find out that at In Your House 4, the Undertaker will face King Mabel, Goldust will debut, the Britsh Bulldog will get a WWF Championship match against Diesel, and Shawn Michaels will defend the Intercontinental Championship against Dean Douglas. Also, Bret Hart will challenge whoever the WWF Champion is at Survivor Series.
  • The British Bulldog with Jim Cornette vs The Undertaker with Paul Bearer-Undertaker starts off the match with a takedown before choking Bulldog in the corner. Taker hits a jumping clothesline and goes for Old School, but Bulldog yanks him off the top rope. Taker hits a big boot and a body slam, but Bulldog dodges an elbow drop and clotheslines Taker out of the ring. Taker lands on his feet and tries to chokeslam Cornette, but Bulldog stops him and throws him into the steel steps. We see King Mabel & Mo watching the match from the stage before the commercial break. We come back to Bulldog working over the left leg. We also see Waylon Mercy watching the match. If you don't know who Waylon Mercy is, he's pretty much Bray Wyatt without a beard or a family. So he's basically a creepy dude in a Hawaiian shirt. Bulldog locks in a single leg Boston crab before stomping on the leg. Taker tries to fight back, but Bulldog stays in control. Bulldog goes for the running powerslam, but Taker escapes and hits a side suplex. The two exchange punches before Bulldog goes down and Taker hits Old School. Bulldog counters an Irish whip and hits a piledriver for a near fall. Taker sits up, only for Bulldog to suplex him for another near fall. Taker sits up again and Bulldog hits another suplex for another near fall. Taker gets to his feet and hits a chokeslam before Mabel & Mo walk down to the ring. Mabel gets in the ring and he & Undertaker stare eachother down before Bulldog knees Undertaker into Mabel's arms. Mabel hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Taker, causing a DQ. Nothing match, not much to say. Bulldog picks Taker up and hits a running powerslam before Mabel hits a leg drop. Diesel & Shawn Michaels run down and save the Undertaker from any more damage. Owen Hart & Yokozuna come down as well, only for the Smoking Gunns to run down to even the odds and close the show.
That's it for RAW. Onto Nitro!


  • Alex Wright vs Disco Inferno-THE BOOGIE KNIGHTS EXPLODE! Disco blindsides Wright to start and tosses him out of the ring so he can dance. Wright hops back up on the apron and hits a springboard dropkick. Wright hits a spinning heel kick for a near fall and tosses Disco out of the ring before hitting a big tope. Disco hits a belly-to-belly flapjack into the top rope and starts working over Wright. Wright hits and arm drag, but Disco floors Wright with a clothesline. Disco continues to dominate the match before he goes to the top rope, where Wright dropkicks him down from. Wright hits a back elbow for a near fall before Disco elbows him in the back of the head. Disco hits a side suplex, but Wright counters a neckbreaker with a backslide and gets the win. Fine, quick match. 
  • Backstage, Hulk Hogan in a neck brace is lifting the WCW World Heavyweight Championship with his neck while Jimmy Hart holds it on his neck. Ok, 1...what? And 2, even if it made any sense, there's no way that can be safe. Hart says Kevin Sullivan is trying to destroy Hulkamania, and Hogan says he hasn't missed a workout despite having a broken neck. What a dumbass. He says he's building a Hulk Hogan monster truck to battle the Giant's monster truck. He also challenges the Giant to a match with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line. He says he's going to bodyslam the Giant and pretty much says he's going to kill him. He also calls him "the big, stinky, nasty Giant" because he's a 42-year-old man calling another man "stinky."
  • Back in the ring, Mean Gene interviews Macho Man Randy Savage. Luger runs down soon after and says Savage doesn't respect him. He says he has respect for Sting and Hogan because they've faced eachother and that anyone who slaps him must want to fight him. Luger challenges Savage to a match next week with his title shot AND his WCW career on the line. Savage accepts the challenge and Luger leaves.
  • Kurasawa with Col. Rob Parker vs Sgt. Craig Pittman-Pittman does two headbutts to Kurasawa's gut before doing a standing armbar slam. Kurasawa fights back and kicks Pittman over the top rope before baseball sliding into him. Kurasawa exposes the concrete on the outside and hits a delayed back body drop on the concrete. Jesus, that's brutal. Kurasawa stomps away at Pittman before going to work on Pittman's left arm. Kurasawa continues to beat down Pittman until Pittman back body drops Kurasawa over the top rope. Pittman takes the fight to the outside before throwing Kurasawa back in the ring. Pittman hits an overhead belly-to-belly followed by a headbutt and locks in Code Red, a cross arm breaker, but Kurasawa gets to the ropes. Kurasawa goes for an armbar of his own, but Pittman counters with a gut wrench suplex. Pittman goes for a German suplex, but Kurasawa counters and hits a German suplex of his own for the win. That's was surprisingly decent. Wasn't expecting that.
  • Mean Gene brings out Arn Anderson & Brian Pillman for an interview. Pillman says Ric Flair has reached a low point after his loss at Fall Brawl to Anderson and says that he & Anderson will hospitalize anyone who gets in their way. Anderson says the better man won at Fall Brawl and that Flair has no one to team with him to fight him & Pillman.
  • Kevin Sullivan vs Randy Savage-The Zodiac comes down to ringside and he & Sullivan talk before the match. Rather than wait, Savage hops over the top rope and goes after Sullivan. This allows Zodiac to beat down Savage at ringside. Back in the ring, Sullivan beats down Savage before throwing him back to the outside. Sullivan crotches Savage on the barricade before slowly clotheslining him to the ground. Sullivan continues to beat down on Savage until Savage back body drops Sullivan on the outside. Back in the ring, Savage hits a double ax handle and throws him into the Zodiac, who hopped up on the apron. Savage pulls Zodiac into the ring and beats him down. The referee tries to stop him, but Savage shoves him to the ground, getting him DQ'd. Savage bodyslams Zodiac before body slamming Sullivan onto Zodiac. Savage goes for the elbow drop, but Sullivan dodges, meaning only Zodiac got the elbow drop. The Giant comes down and chokeslams Savage. Some jobber runs down, and he gets chokeslammed. Another jobber runs down, so he eats a chokeslam. Alex Wright runs down and dives at the Giant, but gets caught and bear hugged a bit before being slammed. Luger runs down as Giant hits another chokeslam on Savage. Luger gets in the ring and goes after the Giant, but gets a chokeslam for himself. Sullivan is upset at this and yells at the Giant as they leave the ring. Luger probably shouldn't have done that because...
  • Lex Luger vs Meng-...he's wrestling next. Meng sprints down to the ring and pummels Luger as the bell rings. I just want to point this out real quick...Luger's hilarious. Every single time he gets hit, it's just "OH!" as loud as he can. Seriously, watch this match. Now that I've pointed it out, you can un-hear it. You're welcome. Meng piledrives Luger for a near fall and continues the beat down. Meng hits a suplex for a near fall before Meng locks in a double shoulder claw. Luger fights out, but Meng hits a gut wrench suplex for a near fall. Meng goes to a chin lock before hitting a leg drop for another near fall. Meng continues to completely dominate the match until Luger counters a diving nothing with a side facebuster. Luger hits a corner clothesline and stomps away at Meng until the referee pulls him off. This allows Meng to grab the Golden Spike, a tiny thumb claw which he was given for his sins. Yes, for his sins, he got a weapon. I guess that makes sense. Meng uses the spike and hits Luger in the throat for the win. Pretty pointless match, just an extended squash match. Not an ideal main event.
And that's about it. Overall, I'd say that RAW had the better show. The majority of the matches were better and felt more important. Early Nitros are always good for a laugh or two, but when you've got Kevin Sullivan wrestling and a squash match for the main event, it's not something to brag about. Give the point to RAW
RAW: 1
Nitro: 2
That's it for this edition of RAW vs Nitro. See you next time!


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