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My Thoughts on SmackDown (10/4/16): THE SPIRIT SQUAD EXPLODES!

  • Bray Wyatt vs Kane-David Otunga brings up that Bray Wyatt faced Kane in his first WWE match, saying "remember the Ring of Fire match?" Yeah...I was trying to forget it. Wyatt dominates to start until Kane dodges a senton. Kane hits a sidewalk slam and a DDT, but Wyatt counters the Chokeslam with an Ura-nage followed by a senton. Wyatt spider walks before Randy Orton appears on the Titantron upside down. He says he's looking at the world the way Wyatt sees it...upside down, and that he'll turn it right side up at No Mercy. Kevin Dunn with some top-notch production right here, as you don't see Kane until he sits up into the camera's view. For all the flack he gets for a lot of the sh*t he does, he is very good at his camera work. Orton tells Wyatt to come find him before Kane goes for the Chokeslam. Wyatt escapes that, but Kane knocks him out of the ring. Wyatt opts to take a count out loss and walks to the back.
  • Baron Corbin gets interviewed. He says he always has everyone's attention and says Jack Swagger is stupid to try to step to him. Swagger walks up, and Corbin says he does his talking in the ring. Swagger says he'll talk to Daniel Bryan about booking them in a match together.
  • Backstage, Wyatt wonders around, saying that Orton's time is coming.
  • Alexa Bliss vs Nikki Bella-Carmella joins the commentary team for this match. Bliss quickly hits an STO, only for Nikki to kick her leg out from under her. Nikki hits a single knee facebreaker, a shoulder tackle, and a dropkick that sends Bliss out of the ring. Carmella starts talking smack to Nikki outside the ring, so Nikki throws Bliss into her. Back in the ring, Nikki sets up the TKO, but Carmella runs in and beats down Nikki for the DQ. Bliss joins in, only for Becky Lynch to run down to even the odds. The faces stand tall, tossing Bliss & Carmella out of the ring. Obviously, this leads to a TAG TEAM MATCH, PLAYAS!
  • Becky Lynch & Nikki Bella vs Alexa Bliss & Carmella-The heels work over Nikki Bella for a long time until Nikki dodges a Bronco Buster from Carmella. Becky gets the hot tag and runs wild on Carmella. Bliss tags in, only to eat two Bex-Plexes, but Carmella pulls her out of the way corner forearm. Becky responds by delivering a forearm off the ring apron. Carmella superkicks Becky and she & Nikki brawl out of the ring before Carmella runs to the back. Bliss takes advantage of a downed Becky Lynch to hit Twisted Bliss for the win. 
  • Backstage, Bray Wyatt is still looking for Randy Orton when he comes across his old rocking chair. Wyatt walks up to it, only for Orton to pop out and reveal the chair was in a big shipping container. Orton locks him in and asks Wyatt what it's like to be the hunted one. Orton asks the lord to have mercy...or not. Cut to a camera in the container,where Wyatt slams on the walls. Why is there a security camera in a shipping container?
  • The Vaudevillians vs The Hype Bros-Rawley & Gotch start before Rawley gets the "HE AIN'T HYPE" chant. Rawley bodyslams Gotch before dancing and tagging in Ryder. Suddenly, the Ascension show up. Gotch roundhouse kicks Ryder in the gut, allowing the Vaudevillians to take control. The Vaudevillains work over Ryder until Ryder sunset flips Gotch. Rawley gets the hot tag and hits the Pounce on English. Rawley hits a fireman's carry facebuster before he & Ryder hit the Hype Ryder for the win. I guess the Ascension just came out to watch.
  • It's time for a special edition of MizTV: A Dolph-umenatry. Miz brings out Dolph Ziggler and says that stakes couldn't be any higher for him. We then get the Dolph-umentary; "The Success of a Failure: The Dolph Ziggler Story." It shows all of Ziggler's embarrassing moments in his career in a WWE24-style, from being in the Spirit Squad to being World Heavyweight Champion for 10 minutes. It even brings up the fact that he was Kerwin White's caddy. KERWIN WHITE! Miz mocks him for having a terrible career, only for Ziggler to threaten to slap him. He says for every 10 embarrassing moments he has, he has one that means everything to him and you can't take it away from him. He says those moments are the reason he can't walk away from wrestling, but he put his career on the line because if he can't beat Miz, then he doesn't belong in the WWE. He says Miz won't take his career from him ever because he's not done yet. Miz says he is, and says it ends this Sunday at No Mercy. Miz says he has something to raise his spirits...THE SPIRIT SQUAD! Well...two of them, anyway, Kenny & Mikey. The two of them spell out Dolph and dance around before mocking him with a cheer. Miz says two of the Spirit Squad members got lost on the way back to OVW, which the crowd audibly "OHs". Ziggler gets in Miz's face, only for Kenny & Mikey to attack Ziggler from behind. THE SPIRIT SQUAD EXPLODES! Ziggler fights back and superkicks both of them before Miz runs back in the ring and goes for a Skull Crushing Finale. Ziggler counters it and goes for a superkick, only for Miz roll out of harm's way. Still straight fire.
  • Bray Wyatt is still locked in a shipping container.
  • Jason Jordan vs Jey Uso-Jordan backbody drops Uso onto the apron, only for Uso to yank him down onto the top rope to take control. Uso locks in a chin lock, but Jordan fights out and goes for a German suplex. Jimmy tries to counter with a roll through, but Jordan sits down on it and gets the flash win. After the match, the Usos take out Gable at ringside & give Jordan a chop block to the back of the leg. They try to splash Jordan's leg, but Heath Slater & Rhyno run down to make the save.
  • Bray Wyatt is still in the shipping container, singing while sitting in the rocking chair. He starts talking to himself and says he's ready for "Abigail" to take him home.
  • Randy Orton returns to the shipping container and opens the door, only to find Wyatt is gone. He throws the rocking chair into the wall before walking off.
  • Curt Hawkins drops some more facts before making his announcement. I know it was his announcement because "ANNOUNCEMENT" flashed on the screen in big red letters. He announces that he'll be stepping into the ring at No Mercy.
  • Jack Swagger vs Baron Corbin-Man, Jack Swagger has a great entrance theme. I just really wish they would've given it to someone who was...better. Swagger out-wrestles Corbin to start, only for Corbin to knock him to the ground. Swagger fights back and knocks him down. In the corner, Corbin cheap shots Swagger and starts to beat him down before the commercial break. We come back to Corbin continuing to beat down Swagger. This goes on for a while before Swagger tosses Corbin out of the ring. Swagger hits two corner clotheslines followed by a high clutch slam. Corbin gets his feet up for the Swagger Bomb, but Swagger catches his ankle and locks in the Patriot Lock. Swagger pulls Corbin away from the ropes and the referee confuses Corbin reaching for the ropes as Corbin tapping out. Despite it being BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that Corbin was reaching for the ropes, Otunga says that he tapped out because he's a stupid idiot. Corbin tears up ringside while screaming that he didn't tap out.
  • We close out the show with a face-to-face...-to face. Outcomes AJ Styles. He says SmackDown is the land of opportunity because he got to beat John Cena at SummerSlam and beat Dean Ambrose for the WWE World Championship at Backlash. He says he has the opportunity to beat both of them at No Mercy but gets interrupted by Dean Ambrose. Ambrose says he's a chump because he took the low road to becoming the WWE World Champion and he's mad because John Cena cost him the title last week. He says Cena didn't want to see him become champion in front of his eyes and says Cena should thank him for bringing the title to SmackDown in the first place. Outcomes John Cena, and Styles blasts Cena for comparing himself to a legend like Ric Flair before he can even speak. He says he'll never be in the same conversation as Ric Flair and that he should worry more about himself than beating Flair's record. Styles says he makes history and that he's ready for Cena to embarrass himself the same way he was embarrassed at SummerSlam. Cena is about to talk, only for Ambrose to stop him and flat out say that Cena undercuts anyone he thinks poses a threat to him by politicking, which is how he even got into the match at No Mercy. Ambrose says Cena doesn't respect him because he doesn't kiss his ass or play by his rules. He says he's real and Cena can have fun being the guy who plays John Cena on TV. Cena punches on Ambrose before tossing Styles from the ring and hitting an AA on Ambrose. He holds up the title, only for Styles to spear him. Cena tries for the AA, but Styles grabs the ropes and hits a Phenomenal Forearm on Cena. Styles walks off with the title, only for Ambrose to blindside him and hit Dirty Deeds on the ramp. Ambrose holds up the title to close the show.


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