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My Thoughts on RAW (4/3/17): Pledge Allegiance to Kevin Owens

  • We kick off the show with a solid five minutes of the crowd chanting for the Undertaker. This is soon joined by a dueling "Roman Sucks" chant before he finally comes out...Roman Reigns. Deafening boos instantly fill the arena as Reigns makes his way to the ring. When he gets to the ring, he is met with "DELETE" chants followed by "F*CK YOU ROMAN" chants. The crowd is completely ruthless towards him tonight. Reigns doesn't even attempt to speak for the majority of the promo, simply standing there and taking in levels of heat any heel on the roster would kill for. Anytime the boos start to die down, Reigns starts to raise the mic to speak, only for the boos & chants to pick right back up. They actually chant "SHUT THE F*CK UP!" even though he hasn't said anything yet. After about 8 minutes of this, Reigns simply says that this is his yard now to deafening boos before walking off. This was great. I know I don't praise Reigns much and might be a little hard on him at times, but I'll admit he played the crowd masterfully.
  • The Hardy Boyz (c) vs Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson-RAW Tag Team Championships-The Hardy Boyz are back in WWE...that's about it. OK, I will admit that it is very cool to see Matt & Jeff back in WWE and back to their original schtick, but I'm really going to miss the Broken Hardys stuff. I know it was ridiculous & silly, but it was so entertaining and fun. I know Matt is doing about 20% of the Broken Matt Hardy stuff in WWE (he's subtly getting "DELETE" chants going and speaking with big words occasionally), but I'm going to miss all the wacky sh*t at the Hardy Compound with Señor Benjamin and dilapidated boats. But for now, I'm sure the Hardyz run in WWE will be good. And before the match starts, Luke Gallows appears to have dipped his beard in red paint
    Why? Jeff Hardy & Karl Anderson start before the Hardyz take control. Matt tags in and hits a Side Effect for a near fall and goes for the Twist of Fate, but Anderson blocks it, only to get tossed from the ring before the commercial break. We come back to see the Gallows & Anderson beating down Matt Hardy in their corner. The Club controls the match at the same time the crowd chants "F*CK THAT OWL." This has been a really vulgar RAW so far. Matt is able to make the hot tag to Jeff, who hits an inverted atomic drop and double leg drop to Gallows' balls. Revenge for Big E. Whatever. Outside the ring, Hardy sets up the steps for Poetry in Motion on Gallows before going to the top rope. However, Anderson distracts him, allowing him & Gallows to hit the Boot of Doom, but Hardy kicks out. Gallows & Anderson go for the Magic Killer, but Matt pulls Anderson to the ground. Jeff hits a Twist of Fate on Gallows, landing with his legs across Anderson before Matt hits a Twist of Fate of his own on Gallows. Jeff goes to the top and hits a Swanton Bomb before Matt makes the cover for the win. Fine match, nothing special.
  • Neville vs Mustafa Ali-Before the match, Neville brags about his victory over Neville at WrestleMania. He says people may not respect what he did, but you can't deny he gets results. He says there will be a proper celebration on 205 Live, but tonight he's going prove again how great he is. Neville foregoes the handshake at the start and shoves Ali before the bell. The two go back and forth before Ali flips Neville onto the apron and hits a spin kick, sending Neville to the outside. Ali follows up with a springboard crossbody before rolling Neville back in the ring, where Neville launches Ali into the air. Neville throws Ali out of the ring before the commercial break. We come back to Neville working over Ali with a headlock. Ali is able to come back with a pop-up dropkick, followed by a somersault neckbreaker for a near fall. Unfortunately, the crowd couldn't give any fewer sh*ts about this match, as a beach ball started getting passed around the ring, so everyone's attention was on that. Because if I paid like 60 dollars to go to RAW, I'd definitely be paying attention to a beach ball instead of the wrestling.   This match is actually really good, but no one is paying any attention. Neville hits a back suplex followed by a vicious lariat for a near fall. Neville takes Ali to the top rope, but Ali counters it and hits an awesome springboard Spanish fly. The two trade blows before Ali avoids a basement dropkick and hits a superkick followed by a reverse Frankensteiner and a satellite DDT. Ali makes the cover, but Neville is able to get his foot on the ropes just in time. Ali goes to the top rope for an inverted 450 splash, but Neville dodges it. Neville goes to the top rope and sets up for the Red Arrow, but instead jumps down and locks in the Rings of Saturn for the submission win. I really like how Neville only uses the Red Arrow when he absolutely needs to. The Red Arrow's going to pop the crowd regardless of if Neville's a face or heel, so him refusing to do it because people like it so much is perfect. Like I said, this match is really good, but it's a shame the crowd was too distracted by a beach ball to care.
  • Outcomes Vince McMahon. The crowd loudly tells him that Roman Reigns sucks before Vince thanks the fans for being so passionate. Vince then announces that next week there will be a "Superstar Shake-up" before talking about the most heartbreaking moment from WrestleMania 33...Stephanie McMahon getting sent through a table. He says Stephanie will be out for a while, which the crowd cheers for. Vince then announces a new general manager for RAW. And best of all, he was inducted into the Hall of Fame on Friday...TEDDY LONG! Long's music hits and Long comes out dancing before Vince says it's not him. Teddy apologizes before dancing off. Vince then announces that the new general manager of RAW is...ROBERT GIBSON OF THE ROCK & ROLL EXPRESS...naw, it's Kurt Angle. Angle comes out to loud "YOU SUCK" chants. He says it's great to be back on's's DAMN TRUE! Angle's music hits and he walks off.
  • Outcomes the New Day. Kofi & Woods come out with New Day-style Road Warrior shoulder pads while Big E has a big box of Booty-Os strapped to his back that shoots Booty-Os out of the top. I'm not really sure what I just typed. Big E almost makes a boner joke before they talk about how great WrestleMania was. However, they're a little upset they didn't get to wrestle, so they offer up an open challenge. And two guys come out. But not just any two guys...two top guys.
  • The New Day with Kofi Kingston vs THE REVIVAL-SAY YEAH! The best tag team in the world are RAW! The Revival immediately solidify their greatness by knocking over the New Day's Pop-cycle and stomping on it because they are the best.
    Also great is the crowd singing along to their entrance theme. Scott Dawson & Woods start off before the Revival quickly take control, targeting Woods' arm before the commercial break. We come back to Dawson flooring Woods with a clothesline for a near fall. The Revival control the match until Woods hits a missile dropkick on Dash Wilder. Big E gets the hot tag and suplexes Dawson around the ring before throwing Dawson onto the apron. Big E tags in Woods and goes for the apron spear, but Dawson dodges it, sending Big E crashing to the ground. Woods tries to fend off the Revival, but he gets caught off an Honor Roll into a Shatter Machine, a flapjack into a Codebreaker for the win. After the match, Dawson sets up Kofi in the figure four before Wilder hits a diving stomp on Kofi's ankle
  • Backstage, Kurt Angle is approached by Enzo Amore & Big Cass. They introduce themselves, with Angle responding to everything they say like they're serious questions. "My name is Enzo Amore, and I am a Certified G and a bonafide stud, and you can't teach that," says Enzo. "Not in any college I've heard off," says Angle. Enzo & Cass say they're upset that they aren't the Tag Team Champions before asking why Goofy is treated as a human while Pluto is treated as a dog. That's a serious question that really needs an answer. Come on Walt Disney, spit it...oh, right. Angle says they're going to face Sheamus & Cesaro in a #1 contenders match, so Enzo & Cass say they're S-A-W-F-T SAWFT! They leave before Angle says that's not how you spell "soft." This was funny, this was an enjoyable segment.
  • Bayley, Dana Brooke, and Sasha Banks vs Emma, Nia Jax, and Charlotte Flair-Hey look, Emma's finally back! And it's Evil Emma! Dana & Charlotte start, only for Emma to tag herself in. Emma rolls out of a body slam attempt before hitting a hair-pull takedown followed by a basement dropkick. Emma tells Bayley to get in the ring, so Bayley tags in. The two lock up before Emma locks in a wristlock. Bayley fights back and hits a leaping arm drag before spinning on top of Emma's back. Charlotte distracts Bayley, allowing Emma to catch Bayley with a right hand before the commercial break. We come back to Nia Jax leg dropping Bayley's leg. The heels control the match until Bayley makes the tag to Sasha behind Charlotte's back. Sasha hits a diving double knee strike on Charlotte taking out Nia & Emma and getting a headscissor takedown on Charlotte. Sasha follows up with a rope-hung knee drop on Charlotte, but Emma breaks the up the pin. Everyone gets their spots in before Sasha counters Natural Selection and locks in the Bank Statement on Charlotte for the submission win. Fine match, nothing special. After the match, Charlotte lashes out at Emma & Nia, shoving both of them. This prompts Nia to attack Charlotte, throwing her to the mat and dropping an elbow on her. Emma opts to leave the ring, presumably to disappear for another 17 weeks.
  • Backstage, Sami Zayn talks to Kurt Angle. Zayn says he wants to have a good relationship with Angle like he had with Mick Foley. Angle says Zayn has the three I's: Intelligence, Intensity, and Integrity and says he'll be fine with whatever happens in his career. They are then interrupted by Jinder "The Juice" Mahal, who complains about how he was cheated out of the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal by "that intruder with the absurd name of Gronk." Zayn & Mahal argue before Angle puts them in a match against eachother.
  • Outcomes Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman. Heyman recaps everything that has happened between Lesnar & Goldberg by telling it as a story Lesnar tells his kids. He concludes it by saying that we won't be seeing Goldberg anymore, which the crowd cheers. He then lists off potential challengers for Lesnar's Universal Championship before getting to Roman Reigns. Heyman says that the 2 in 23-2 are destined to face off to see who's yard it really is. The crowd says they want Balor. Heyman ignores them. Heyman says that if Reigns' is the big dog, then Lesnar is "animal cruelty." Heyman then throws down the challenge for tonight, only for Braun Strowman to interrupt him. Strowman says that once he's done with Reigns, he should have Lesnar's attention because Lesnar has his. Strowman shoves Lesnar, who puts down the title and challenges Strowman to a fight. Strowman instead backs off and walks up the ramp. Why? That could've made Strowman a star right there. Terrible booking.
  • Charly Caruso interviews Chris Jericho. Jericho talks about how all the people in the crowd are the friends of Jericho...CHEER HIM ON, MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! He says he's going to get his revenge on Kevin Owens, first by putting the tip of Owen's finger, which barely got on the rope to avoid a pinfall at WrestleMania on the List of Jericho. The fingertip insults are too much for Owens as he attacks Jericho. The two brawl backstage before Samoa Joe runs over. Joe & Owens (Jowens, if you would) beat up Jericho before powerbombing Jericho through a table.
  • After a commercial break, Kurt Angle leaves the trainer's room to tell Seth Rollins that Jericho can't compete tonight in their tag match. However, Angle says he's going to find him a partner.
  • Sheamus & Cesaro vs Enzo Amore & Big Cass-Enzo & Cesaro start off with Enzo hitting a tilt-a-whirl headscissor takedown for one. Cesaro responds with a back suplex before Sheamus & Cass tag in. The two trade shots in the corner before Sheamus hits a spinning heel kick in the corner, which according to Corey Graves was "far too ugly to call it that." Cass responds with a body slam before tagging in Enzo so he can throw him at Enzo & Cass. Cass gorilla presses Enzo and throws him at Sheamus & Cesaro outside the ring before the commercial break. We come back to Sheamus working over Enzo with a headlock. Sheamus & Cesaro control the match, with Sheamus taking out Cass with a wrecking ball dropkick through the ropes. However, this allows Enzo to turn a rolling senton into a DDT on Sheamus. Cesaro tags in and uppercuts Enzo before swinging him and locking in a Sharpshooter. Cass breaks it up by booting Cesaro in the face. Cass gets the tag and runs wild on Cesaro, hitting two Stinger Splashes, a sidewalk slam, an Empire Elbow, and a big boot. Cass tags in Enzo and sets up the Bada Boom Shakalaka, only for Sheamus to run in and Brogue Kick Cass before tossing Enzo right into a Very European Uppercut by Cesaro for the win. Pretty good match with a good ending.
  • Jinder Mahal vs Sami Zayn-Mahal attacks Zayn during his entrance, throwing him into the steps twice. The match starts and Mahal continues the beatdown. Mahal controls the match until Zayn hits an exploder suplex in the corner followed by a Helluva Kick for the win.
  • Kevin Owens & Samoa Joe vs Seth Rollins & ?-So before the match, Corey Graves says that Kevin Owens wants to be referred to as the face of America and that he pledges allegiance to Kevin Owens. So, who is Seth Rollins' mystery partner? Well...
    He's baaaaaaaaaack. After a commercial break, the match starts with Rollins & Owens locking up. The two go back and forth before Owens tags out to Samoa Joe. Joe & Rollins brawl before Joe forces Rollins into the corner and beats him down. Rollins fights right back, but Joe is able to take control and bring him to his team's corner. Rollins manages to hit a corner STO on Owens before tagging in Balor. Balor strikes away at Owens rolling through on a roll up and hitting a basement dropkick. Balor goes to the top rope, but Owens rolls out of the ring, so Balor follows him out and hits a dropkick. Back in the ring, Rollins tags in and hits a suicide dive on Owens, who rolled out of the ring. Joe chases Rollins off, only to eat a somersault tope from Rollins with Owens by his side. Back in the ring, Owens kicks Rollins' bad knee and hits a DDT for a near fall. The heels control the match until Rollins hits an enziguri on Joe. Balor gets the hot tag and runs wild, dropkicking Owens before chopping him in the corners. Balor goes for the Coup de Grace, but Owens avoids it and hits the Go Home Driver, a scoop lift into an over-the-shoulder back-to-belly piledriver for a near fall. Owens goes for the Pop-Up Powerbomb, but Balor blocks it and hits a Sling Blade. Balor goes for a corner dropkick, but Joe runs in and locks in the Coquina Clutch. However, Rollins takes out Joe with a springboard knee strike. Owens superkicks Rollins out of the ring before Balor dropkicks Owens into the corner and hits the Coup de Grace for the win. Really good match, great to see Balor back.


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