- #DIY vs The Authors of Pain-We kick off the show with the semi-finals of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. Akam & Ciampa start off with Akam ramming Ciampa into the corner. Ciampa & Gargano both dropkick Akam, followed by another by Gargano before Akam bats away a fourth. Both teams brawl in the ring, ending with a superkick by Gargano to Akam that sends him out of the ring and a high knee by Ciampa to Rezar, followed by DIY clotheslining Rezar out of the ring. Gargano goes for suicide dive on the Authors, but they just catch him. Ciampa goes for one himself, so the Authors throw Gargano at him when he comes to the ropes. I love the Authors of Pain. Anyone who uses other people as weapons is great. They are the real life versions of this meme: After a commercial break. We come back to the Authors of Pain beating down Johnny Gargano. This continues for a while until Gargano turns a running powerslam by Rezar into a DDT. Rezar keeps a hold of Gargano's ankle, but Gargano hits a step-up enziguri and makes the tag to Ciampa. Ciampa runs wild on Rezar, hitting two big boots before slapping the sh*t out of Rezar. Ciampa hits a knee strike and goes for a German suplex, but Rezar blocks it and forces Ciampa into the corner, only for Ciampa to hit it on the second try. Gargano tags in, but Rezar takes advantage and gets Ciampa on his shoulders. Gargano goes for a second rope crossbody, but Rezar CATCHES HIM WHILE HE'S GOT CIAMPA ON HIS SHOULDERS! THE AUTHORS OF PAIN ARE THE BEST! Rezar hits a fallaway slam on Gargano while simultaneously hitting a Samoan drop on Ciampa, but only gets a near fall on Gargano. The Authors go for the double powerbomb spot, but Gargano & Ciampa both hit hurricanranas and send the Authors into eachother before rolling them up for a near fall. DIY sends the Authors to the outside before taking them out with dives off the apron. DIY hits the running knee/superkick combo and gets the visual three, but Paul Ellering distracts the referee. Suddenly, the Revival pop out from under the ring and Dawson gives Gargano a DDT on the outside. This allows the Authors of Pain to hit the Last Chapter and get the win. Great match, very exciting
- "The Return" happens next week.
- Tye Dillinger says in an interview that Bobby Roode gave him his word in the Dusty Classic and he broke it. He says Roode has made a career of stabbing people in the back (then why would you tag with him?) and says he'll kick his ass in Toronto
- SAnitY vs TM-61-SAnitY rushes TM-61 before the match starts, with Thorne being throw off the top rope and smashing his back on the apron. That looked really bad. Miller gets thrown into the stairs by Young & Wolfe before the commercial break. The match starts after the break with Miller still down, leaving Thorne to face Wolfe & Fulton by himself. Wolfe hits Thorne with a big boot before uppercutting him for a near fall. Fulton locks in a claw hold before hitting a sliding headbutt in the corner for a near fall. SAnitY continues to beat down on Thorne when Miller finally hops up on the apron, only to get knocked back down by Wolfe. SAnitY continues to beat down on Thorne until Thorne makes Wolfe uppercut Fulton's back. Miller gets back up and gets the hot tag. Miller hits a back suplex on Wolfe before clotheslining Fulton and making the cover, only for Wolfe to break it up. Miller back body drops Wolfe onto the apron before Fulton body blocks Miller. SAnitY goes for the suplex/powerslam combo, but Thorne breaks it up by dropkicking Fulton out of the ring, allowing Miller to get the jackknife cover on Wolfe for the three and the win. Fine match, nothing special. This means the finals of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic will be the Authors of Pain vs TM-61.
- William Regal announces that at Takeover: Toronto, the Revival will defend the NXT Tag Team Championships against #DIY because of the Revival's interference in DIY's match.
- Bobby Roode in an interview says it's Tye Dillinger's fault they lost in the Dusty Classic and that Dillinger embarrassed the name of Dusty Rhodes. He says Dillinger isn't a perfect 10, he's a perfect loser, and he'll make Takeover: Toronto...wait for it...GLORIOUS!
- Ember Moon vs Rachel Evers-Why do they keep changing this girl's name? For those of you who don't know, Evers is actually Rachel Ellering, the daughter of Paul Ellering. She's been on NXT three times now and she's had a different name every single time. She was Rachel Ellering, then she became Rachel Fazio, and now she's Rachel Evers. I can understand not having her keep her last name as Ellering to keep her separate from her dad while he's in NXT at the same time, but why keep changing it? Doesn't make a lot of sense. Anyway, she's facing Ember Moon, so this should go poorly for her. The two lock up a couple of times before Moon almost gets the roll up win. Moon then lands on her feet off an arm drag before transitioning into a jackknife cover for another near fall. Moon gets knocked down, only to spring up off her back and do a headscissor takedown before back elbowing Evers to the ground. Moon goes for a springboard crossbody, but Evers dodges and hits a gut-wrench suplex. Evers slaps Moon twice, so Moon strikes her to death before hitting a single leg dropkick. Moon hits a handspring forearm smash in the corner before hitting the O-Face for the win.
- We close the show with the contract signing between Shinsuke Nakamura and Samoa Joe. Nakamura comes down to the ring, but Joe instead grabs his own table & chair and drags it out onto the stage. Joe says that Regal isn't concerned with his safety and he might be forced to put Nakamura down if he gets in the ring. He says Nakamura is mad because he was the top guy in Japan and then get embarrassed by Joe in America. Joe absolutely refuses to get in the ring, so Regal brings him the contract "with his ridiculous accent", as Joe says. Joe signs the contract and goes to hand it to Regal, only to drop it out the table and make him pick it up. Regal brings the contract back to Nakamura, who doesn't sign it and instead beats up all the security in the ring. Nakamura stares down Joe as he powerbombs one of the security guards through the table before signing the contract
(Special thanks to an anonymous user for suggesting this match. If you'd like to see a match covered on the Worst in the World, leave a comment down below.) An often discussed aspect of professional wrestling is the backstage politicking of Hulk Hogan. Throughout his career as a major attraction in wrestling, Hogan's philosophy has always been to protect Hulk Hogan...OK, sometimes he'd help Ed Leslie, but most of the time it was to protect Hulk Hogan. Because of that philosophy and Hogan's influence as a top guy, there have been multiple instances where a company's booking and other wrestlers have suffered as a result. Would having Mr. Perfect win the 1990 Royal Rumble made sense and could have elevated a rising star and potentially created a new main event player? Yes, but that would require Hogan to not win, and that doesn't work for Hogan, so he wins the Rumble even though he doesn't need elevating. Would booking Randy Orton to beat Hogan at SummerSlam 20...
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